What is Coaching?

Coaching is all about you - the client. It focuses on your life using three fundamental principles that are essential for meaning: fulfillment, balance, and process. Joannie was trained from the Coaches Training Institute (CTI) whose founders were among the pioneers of the coaching profession.

Over the last 25 years, CTI has trained over 55,000 Co-Active coaches worldwide and today trains more new coaches each year than any other training program.  The Co-Active Coaching model is based on the philosophy that you are naturally creative, resourceful and whole, and capable of finding your own answers to the challenges you face. In Co-Active Coaching, the job of the coach is to listen, encourage, and empower rather than inform and advise. Coaching is about discovering possibilities, getting beyond the "shoulds," stuck-points and distractions, and getting into action to create a fulfilling life.

What happens in between the coaching sessions?

The learning and action happen between the coaching sessions. Between each scheduled session, you will take actions that were agreed upon during the previous coaching session. The sense of satisfaction you will have by taking concrete steps will encourage you and motivate you to push ahead.

Also, you may be given a question from a session to reflect on and explore to help deepen the learning around a situation that you are facing. If you have questions, concerns, successes or disappointments during the week, you can e-mail or do a quick check in call to Joannie to celebrate or get support.

How long does it take?

Committing to make significant changes in your life takes time. There is meaning in the saying that you get out of it what you put into it. Joannie's encouragement and positive reinforcement will help keep you motivated. This is one of the major benefits of coaching. It's easy to be enthusiastic about a plan in the beginning. Joannie will help you stay committed through the entire process.

How is coaching different from therapy or counseling?

The coach does not provide advice or analysis like a therapist or counselor. There is no "fixing" because you are naturally creative, resourceful and whole. The coach listens intuitively and uses proven tools to help you realize what you truly want or want more of in your life.

Can't I get the same benefit from talking with family and friends?

Friends and family can be a great resource. As in any good relationship, however, there is a give and take with time, energy, and attention shared between individuals.

Coaching is focused solely on you. You are the center of attention and your agenda is the main purpose for the relationship! In addition, the coach is professionally trained to listen and guide you, not give opinions and advice.

Where can I find additional resources about life coaching?

The Coaches Training Institute
The International Coaches Federation
Co-Active Leadership Program

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